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- Let's make the trade!

Hello everyone, we are Bandy. We’re a small team who loves the discovery, connection and the adventure of trading. Wait, say what?  Adventure? In trading! Yes! You heard right, but with current market competitors trading and sharing is a bit more expeditious in scale. You need not walk ten miles when only one will do.  We want to make trading better. Focusing on the discovery and exchange we’re making it Bandier.


Bandier puts discovery at the forefront inviting you to thumb through a living catalog of trinkets, treasure and trash that will become your next treasure. We designed Bandier to work for everyone, to get what you want and giving what you no longer need.

Each member conducted observational research to identify gaps and user needs around resource sharing and scrap management.

Bandy & Bandier' Logo development

Bandier's application information architecture.

Bandier Journey Map

The journey constructed from this revised constraint is design to be very effective and iterative in the add process. Getting material up as quick as possible allowing our users to move with what they need to accomplish. We further leveraged the inherent excitement of a call and response model to maintain sub-conscience engagement keeping this us in our users’ mind while they moved on with their day. When they would receive trade requests this sub-conscience excitement would be reignited and very easy to engage with. The entire process is highly repeatable with a minimal amount of steps needing to be executed.


Based on every tool we can appoarch (fliudui / pixate / html+css, etc), we started design the functional prototype of Bandier. Once we began developing mid and high fidelity prototypes we began early testing with  potential users within a close community which provided further insights into how the design was communicating the actions required and functions available. We worked through series of iterations to improve this communication and as a result produced a testable prototype for a broader range of potential users.

User testing and observation / Refined process

The online version prototype (WIP)

Hi-Fi prototype

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